I Am An Orange Book


Oranges are grown directly from its seeds, but these seeds don’t produce carbon copies. Orange seeds can be infertile or produce fruit entirely different from its parent. Orange seeds may take three years to even begin producing…and the process of growing an orange tree can take up to fifteen years.

As a result, cultivators are critical to the harvesting of an orange.

This book guides the reader to look into the past to answer: Who were the individuals naturally put in a position to cultivate your life? What choices have you made, courage or cowardice shown, and changes you have made that have affected how the soil of your life has been fertilized or famished? You are an orange, a spectacularly unique individual. This book will help you see what new steps you can make to bring you to a point of maturity so you can harvest at your full potential!

In this book, you’ll learn:​
●What is An Orange
●Being Uncompromising
●The Three C’s


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