From the Best Selling Author

Feel the lasting impact of Dr. Heather Henley 's mindset, words, and advice.

At times, we search for explanations and answers as to why something so terrible has happened to our loved ones or even ourselves. I can imagine you have questioned yourself over the past six months or even over the last year. This can cause you to ultimately blame yourself experience shame, and guilt or justify how your past experiences have caught up with you. Well, this book is designed to be a trauma narrative for you. I have gathered authors as far as Finland to tell their narratives.
A trauma narrative is designed to unpair your thoughts, reminders, or discussions of traumatic events from overwhelming negative emotions such as terror, horror, extreme helplessness, shame, or rage.
I am an Orange…Uncompromisingly uses the Orange analogy to illustrate real life issues individuals are faced with on a daily basis as a beacon of hope. Each reader will experience a transformation (though challenges) as they rediscover themselves. Readers will experience forgiveness while being empowered to higher spirituality; personally and professionally. You will be equipped to make choices, exhibit courage and implement change that will propel you into your destiny. The change will shift you from self-doubt, fear, and procrastination to courageous activation. You will become equipped to make decisions igniting visions and moving you from where you are to where you want to be.

The trauma of everyday life can stifle the growth of your mind. Studies show that stress and societal pressure can affect areas of your brain such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
This can result in an ability to dominate in life and leverage the power of your mind.
“Influence the Mindset” will help you to knock down the barriers that block a healthy mindset, while restoring your vision and awareness.
Daily we experience life through funnels created by circumstances and decisions imposed by others. This association impacts what you HEAR, and how you HEAR the world around you. Musical experience as an interpersonal and intrapersonal process allows individuals to freely perceive, express, communicate, and change emotions nonverbally in an oppressive environment.

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Stabilization is a decision. It’s time to cognitively reframe how we look at situations.
Stabilizing Difficult Clients will teach you:
Strategies for behavioral interventions
Steps to develop and implement treatment planning
Actions to harness individual stabilization
Tools to understand Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)
Tips on how to become a Master Crisis Therapist
As providers, it is my belief that we are a part of a global community
where we must help one another to transform the state of our societies.